McDonald's. I have been obsessed with you for years. You are a true guilty pleasure. I have one question for the WWW. In your new happy meal toyline for girls, which is the Madame Alexander Doll set featuring the Wizard of Oz characters, why is there a Wicked Witch of the East doll and a yellow-dressed munchkin named Daisy? First of all in the film The Wizard of Oz which the world of Oz is best known, you never see the Wicked Witch of the East except for her feet and then she shrivels under the house beyond recognition. Why would you include a doll of her in the toyline series? What about a flying monkey? Or better yet, why not the Humbug Wizard himself. But no, you chose this hardly-a-supporting-character for kids to play with. Besides this obscurity, I can live with the Wicked Witch of the East. She is an identifiable character in Oz-lore, but who the hell is Daisy Munchkin? Daisy Munchkin is a nobody. I have never ever seen her in any of the Frank L. Baum books, in the Michael Miguare books, or elsewhere. . .nor is she in films The Wizard of Oz or Return to Oz. From where does this munchkin wench originate? I hope someone can answer this burning question. It's either McDonald's heartburn or an unquenchable curiosity flame. . .please somebody put it out.
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