"Hello? Poison Control? My son has just had an unhealthy dose of Television and saw all these obnoxious commericials. . .I'm pretty worried. He wants so many things now. He wants video games, action figures, food, green ketchup. . .he wants nonsense. Can you help? . . .Hello? Hello?. . .Figures. Action? Figures."
Of course they hung up on you! We here on mother earth are of the mentality, if it doesn't kill you for at least 10 years, it's safe. . .therefore, it's legal, fun, and most of all enjoyable! Go buy that fatty fast food that'll clog your arteries in no time. Go smoke that cigarette that charms your brain into a nicotine wonderland. Instant Pleasure isn't a race with instant death. . .it just takes death a little while to catch up! Be a dare devil. Consume. . .
The above might be an honest rant about why advertisements (of any kind) are worthwhile. Advertisements are an ethereal poison. They litter our every path. You can't look down the street without seeing something being advertised. They might not kill us directly, but they help us to forget who we are and that is an easy temptation for human beings. Life is strife. Why wouldn't you want to forget? Telemarketers are even serving advertisements directly catered to us over the phone. The phone wires are poisoned with them. They know our first names, they address us directly, they tell us to our faces why this new deal is JUST PERFECT for us. . . and we listen. . .and we take. . .and it wastes our time and makes people bitter and stupider.
But I am not here to totally defame advertising. Advertisements are coercive, manipulating, yet artful. They allow those behind them to be creative in order to convince the public about a new idea or product. So instead of giving into the trend or the latest fad, you should recognize your individuality as the new trend and try to put blinders onto the advertising world. You may say: "Oh advertisements don't affect me! I'm immune to advertising." Resisting the creative impulses of the advertising world, makes you just as original and creative as the creators of the products themselves. Try to resist and your resistor muscles will become stronger and you will be more self-sufficient.
"Oh Poison Control. Just calling back. I think I found the solution to our problem! My son smashed our TV with a baseball bat. . .oh I won't tell you the brand. That would be an advertisement! Anyway it's in a million pieces and now. . .well now my family is just better off! We are out, playing games, exercising. . .figuring out your own solutions is sometimes a lot better than just picking up the phone and calling 911! I tell you. Have a good day! Bye!"
Of course they hung up on you! We here on mother earth are of the mentality, if it doesn't kill you for at least 10 years, it's safe. . .therefore, it's legal, fun, and most of all enjoyable! Go buy that fatty fast food that'll clog your arteries in no time. Go smoke that cigarette that charms your brain into a nicotine wonderland. Instant Pleasure isn't a race with instant death. . .it just takes death a little while to catch up! Be a dare devil. Consume. . .
The above might be an honest rant about why advertisements (of any kind) are worthwhile. Advertisements are an ethereal poison. They litter our every path. You can't look down the street without seeing something being advertised. They might not kill us directly, but they help us to forget who we are and that is an easy temptation for human beings. Life is strife. Why wouldn't you want to forget? Telemarketers are even serving advertisements directly catered to us over the phone. The phone wires are poisoned with them. They know our first names, they address us directly, they tell us to our faces why this new deal is JUST PERFECT for us. . . and we listen. . .and we take. . .and it wastes our time and makes people bitter and stupider.
But I am not here to totally defame advertising. Advertisements are coercive, manipulating, yet artful. They allow those behind them to be creative in order to convince the public about a new idea or product. So instead of giving into the trend or the latest fad, you should recognize your individuality as the new trend and try to put blinders onto the advertising world. You may say: "Oh advertisements don't affect me! I'm immune to advertising." Resisting the creative impulses of the advertising world, makes you just as original and creative as the creators of the products themselves. Try to resist and your resistor muscles will become stronger and you will be more self-sufficient.
"Oh Poison Control. Just calling back. I think I found the solution to our problem! My son smashed our TV with a baseball bat. . .oh I won't tell you the brand. That would be an advertisement! Anyway it's in a million pieces and now. . .well now my family is just better off! We are out, playing games, exercising. . .figuring out your own solutions is sometimes a lot better than just picking up the phone and calling 911! I tell you. Have a good day! Bye!"
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